Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Shaman Lore Pack!

Yup! Another pack has made its way into the spiral!

This new pack offers trainable spells, such as Savage Paw, Lord of Night and Winter Moon. Also, with this new pack brings along some new gear, wands, and the all new Leaf Foot Pet!

For more info, check the official announcement here!

Also, Duelist101 has made a post here, showcasing some of the new Gear. They also have a video of them opening a couple packs.

Check it out here!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The Wizardly Awards!

Wizardly Awards


Welcome to The Wizardly Awards!

Wizard101 Fanatics is proud to be a part of the first ever Wizardly Awards, hosted by The Wizardly Commons and other great fan sites!

What is the Wizardly awards you say?

The Wizardly Awards is an award ceremony, rewarding different Wizard101 Players, just like you and I for achieving a special accomplishment. There will be different Categories, and you, the players get to nominate who you think is worthy of this title.

Voting is currently taking place on the Wizardly commons, so be sure to get your vote in!

When would this event take place?

Be sure to mark this date down on your calender, it is one of the biggest events of the year so far, and when you look back at it, when everyone is talking about it, you won't want to be the one who sits in the corner, just looking on at everyone discussing the wonderful time they had! This is the event of the Year!

Date: 3/24/13

Time: 7:00pm EST

Where you ask?

This event will be taking place at a Wysteria Villa House, Myth House, Tower of the Winter Winds and Life House. Pickups will be in the Unicorn Way Park, Realm Troll, Area 1


Tyler BattleWalker

Julia SparkleFountain

Angel Ice

Alexander Lionheart

Bailey SkyStaff

Blake BlueFlame

Cody GhostCatcher

Darby IceGem

Sites Promoting

*Wizard101 Fanatics* (Look for Jack Dragonshield)

Wizards Unite (Look for Ian Stormstaff)

Don't miss out on the event of the year! Tell your friends, friends of friends, random people in the Shopping District, anyone!

See you all there!

*For more info, check out this site

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